Environmental Issues Affecting Your Gorgeous Pictures

You know those gorgeous pictures you take or see of nature and sunsets? Well those could be going away with the rapid climate change. You can do something about climate change by raising notice. Temperatures are already changing with the increase of power plants around the world. Our world, Earth is scarred and humans are making it worse. When the glaciers melt it will raise the sea level exponentially and your beautiful pictures of California and coastal cities will be distant memories. There isn’t actually anything you can do about the glaciers melting. Its partly natural and partly not. The glaciers were doomed to melt from the beginning but humans are speeding up the process. You can slow this process down by hundreds of years if you were to reduce your biological footprint. Destined doom for your favored coastal locations is scary but there can still be stuff done for the other places that are soon to become coastal cities. Hopefully new livable planets become reachable in the near future or Earth is going to have some big issues with overpopulation and climate change.

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